FSSC 22000 (Version 6)
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FSSC 22000 (Version 6)
On March 31, 2023, the new FSSC 22000 version 6 was released by the FSSC Foundation,
which administers the FSSC 22000 certification.

FSSC 22000 Revision
The main reasons for revision are :
- • Integrating the requirements of ISO 22003-1:2022
- • Strengthening the requirements to support organizations in their contributions to meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- • Incorporating feedback as a result of the Version 6 development survey

FSSC 22000 Major changes
FSSC 22000 (Version 6) takes effect on April 1, 2024, and existing Version 5.1 certified organizations can upgrade the specification through post/renewal audits between April 1, 2024 and March 31, 2025. Upon completion of the upgrade, a new certificate will be issued.
< FSSC 22000 Major changes >
Major changes in FSSC 22000 (Version 6) include :
- • Realignment of the Food Chain Categories in accordance with ISO 22003-1:2022.
- • The scope has been expanded to include Trading and Brokering (FII) and reduced by removing Farming and FSSC 22000-Quality from the scheme.
- • Integration of the requirements on food safety and quality culture.
- • New requirements on quality control, food loss and waste, and equipment management.
- • Strengthened existing additional requirements in Part 2 of the scheme, including but not limited to allergen management and environmental monitoring.
- • Changes to and clarification on requirements for the Certification Process.
- • Addition of a QR Code on FSSC 22000 certificates for improved traceability.
Changes in food chain category
Changes in the FSSC 22000 food chain category include :
Cluster | Category | Subcategory | Changes |
Primary production |
A Farming of animals |
Category deletion | |
B Handling of plants |
BIII Pre-process handling of plants products |
New subcategory | |
Processing food for humans and animals |
C Food manufacturing |
CO Animal – Primary conversion |
New subcategory |
D Animal feed production |
Integrate subcategory (DI, DIIa, DIIb -> D) |
Retail, transport and storage |
F Trading, retail, wholesale and E-commerce |
FII Brokering/Trading/E-commerce |
New subcategory |
G Transport and storage services |
Integrate subcategory (GI, GII -> G) |
Strengthening of requirements
Added requirements from FSSC 22000 Additional Requirements below.
- 2.5.1 Management of services and purchased materials
- 2.5.2 Product labeling and printed materials
- 2.5.6 Management of allergens
- 2.5.7 Environmental monitoring
- 2.5.10 Transport, storage and warehousing

New requirements
The requirements added in FSSC 22000 (Version 6) are as follows :
- 2.5.8 Food safety and quality culture
- 2.5.9 Quality control
- 2.5.15 Equipment management
- 2.5.16 Food loss and waste
- 2.5.17 Communication Requirements
* Details of enhanced/added requirements will be provided through a separate guide.

Other changes
- • As the criteria for calculating the audit duration are changed, the number of audit days may be changed.
- • As the requirements for transferring to a certification body have been revised, there is a change in the date of issuance of the certificate.
- • The certificate form has been revised.
- PreviousBusiness-related Management System Standard 23.06.28
- NextUpdated requirements for cosmetics according to MoCRA 23.05.22
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