ISO 37301:2021 Compliance Management Systems
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ISO 37301:2021 Compliance Management Systems
What is compliance management system?
It was officially issued by ISO in 2021, replacing the existing ISO 19600 standard.
It is a management system certification that provides principles for the establishment and operation of the compliance management system of the organization and helps implement processes to comply with and implement regulations. It is an international standard certification that can be applied regardless of the size or industry of the organization, and is essential to the ethical management of various organizations, including public and private enterprises, such as laws and regulatory licenses, internal policies and procedures that companies and organizations must comply with.
As a management system that can directly affect the reliability and brand value of an organization, there are many considerations, and ISO 37301 is one of the leading system certifications that can symbolize ethical management.

PDCA Cycle of Compliance Management System
The compliance management system is organized and operated based on a cycle of PLAN, DO, CHECK, and ACT, and is evaluated according to the evaluation cycle to find improvements and establish a system. It is a system that is organized according to the shape and nature of the organization through follow-up management after organizing the initial system.
< PDCA Cycle of Compliance Management System >
The corresponding items for each cycle are :
1. PLAN(Planning)
A plan to achieve goals through the establishment of performance indicators of the management system
2. DO(Support, Operations)
Management that responds to and realizes various legal regulations and the requirements of customers and stakeholders
3. CHECK(Performance Evaluation)
Reviewing and evaluating the results of compliance management
4. ACT(Improvement)
Establishment of the organization's response system by preparing compliance risk countermeasures for internal and external issues and risk analysis and evaluation results
ISO 37301 Certification Expected Effects

- • Improve the sustainability of organizations and sustainability
- • Meet organizational and stakeholder expectations
- • Express the organization's voluntary commitment to compliance
- • Ensure reliability of your organization's ability to achieve continuous success
- • Induce voluntary participation of members according to performance reflection
- • Minimize the costs associated with violations of the law and the risk of issuing it due to reduced reliability
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