ISO 29993:2017 Learning services outside formal education – Service re…
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ISO 29993:2017 Learning services outside formal education
– Service requirements
[ Introduction ISO 29993:2017 ]
In a globalized and fast-changing knowledge-based economy, the importance of acquiring new knowledge continues to be recognized in both professional and private life.
Therefore, as various types of education and learning services are progressing within the current society, the need for systematic requirements for learning other than formal education has emerged, and the ISO standard for these learning services was enacted in 2017.
ISO 29993:2017 specifies the requirements for learning services, applicable all types of lifelong learning services (e.g., vocational training, in-house training, etc.), and is limited to the scope of learning services if applied to the organization.
This standard includes the definition of educational objectives, evaluation of educational services, and interaction between educators and service providers, and is established to promote understanding and awareness of providers and learners by helping learners select learning services suitable for their goals and purposes.

[ Necessity of ISO 29993:2017 ]
- • Improve learners' credibility by providing clear information about learning providers and learning
- • By applying the internationally agreed minimum requirements for services, it is possible to obtain transparency and improve recognition in the international market.
- • Due to the implementation of a systematically designed management system, it is possible to provide consistent services of a LSP(Learning Service Provider).
- • Provide a model for improving learning services that can be shared within the organization
- • Able to respond flexibly to meet the diverse needs of individuals and society
[ ISO 29993:2017 Requirements ]
- Scope
- Reference
- Terms and definitions
- General information provided by the LSP(Learning Service Provider)
- Proposal development
- Information provided prior to acquisition of the learning service
- Needs analysis
- Design of the learning service
- Information about the learning service for enrolled learners or their sponsors
Service delivery
- Staff engaged in the delivery of learning service원
- Learning material
- Learning environment
- Facilitators
- Assessment of learning
- Monitoring and evaluation of the learning service
- Invoicing
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